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The beloved animated cartoon series ThunderCats still reigns supreme in the hearts of many 80s kids. Filled with memorable characters, both among the heroes and the antagonist gangs, unforgettable opening theme songs and catchphrases, and action-filled stories told in every new episode, ThunderCats truly is a time capsule for many anime fans.

Created by Tobin "Ted" Wolf, the animated cartoon series premiered in 1985. It was soon followed by a comic book series of the same name published by Marvel Comics. Since then, the cartoon series has been rebooted two more times and also has a couple of popular video games under the belt.

ThunderCats follows the adventures of a group of humanoid cat-like creatures from the planet Thundera. They are known as the ThunderCats and are led by their commander, Lion-O. The ThunderCats flee their dying planet and crash-land on a mysterious and dangerous world called Third Earth. There, they must battle various villains, including the evil Mumm-Ra, and protect the Eye of Thundera, a powerful artefact that grants them special abilities.

The brave leader Lion-O, along with his loyal team members, including Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro, Snarf, Wily Kit, and Wily Kat, have remained ingrained in the fans' minds even after more than four decades.

Otakuninjahero recognises and respects the dedication of ThunderCats fans and fully supports their unwavering loyalty to the franchise. We bring eager fans the collectables of the most iconic weapon featured in the cartoon series, Lion-O’s Sword of Omens. Designed in both its fully extended and dagger forms, this blade is a sight to behold. Used by the fearless leader to defeat the forces of evil many times, this formidable sword has always played an important part in winning the fight for the good guys.

Featuring all the details of the original weapons, the highly rated collectable Dagger of Omens and Sword of Omens is the best memorabilia for ThunderCats fanatics.


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