Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise from Disney Studios renewed global interest in all things related to the savvy sea raiders. The first movie of the extensive franchise, “The Curse of the Black Pearl,” was released in 2006 and became an instant box office hit. Inspired by the iconic Disneyland ride “The Pirates of the Caribbean,” the movie plays homage to the last ride designed by the legendary Walt Disney himself.
The fictional dark fantasy tale of ferocious pirates roaming the seas of old England is loosely based on the infamous real characters known from the Golden Age of Piracy that reigned from the mid-sixteenth to late seventeenth century. Starring Johnny Depp in the titular role of Captain Jack Sparrow, leading a rag-tag crew of sea rats, including Orlando Bloom as Will Turner, Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann, and Kevin McNally as Mater Gibbs, embarks upon new missions in each new theatrical extravaganza. This motley group of pirates journey to the ends of the world to find legendary treasures that promise eternal life or immeasurable power in each new release of the franchise.
With five films so far released under the franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean remains one of the most beloved and frequently adapted cosplay inspirations for fans. The collectable range from the Pirates series primarily features the swords used by ferocious sea rats.
For the devoted fans of Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Otakuninjahero presents the perfect collectable of the beloved sword belonging to Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow. It features intricate details like the iconic pirate emblem on the edge of the scabbard and a beautiful etching of the Black Pearl pirate ship on the hilt. The sword is perfect for all Jack Sparrow cosplay fans to help the bearers get in the right mood to plunder.