The Japanese anime and manga series Darling in the Franxx is one of the leading anime in the mecha, romance, and sci-fi genres. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where adult humans live as immortals in separate dwellings without needing or even desiring relationships. In stark contrast, children who have short lifespans are created artificially only to train to fight and protect the adults' dwellings. These young trainees are called parasites, and pilot massive robots called Franxx to stop mammoth monsters called klaxosaurs from ravaging the leftover human race.
The Darling in the Franxx anime is a masterclass in innuendos and double meaning in many aspects of the character developments, themes, and dialogues. The anime tells the story of a group of young "parasites" assigned to an experimental mission as Squad 13. The main leads of the manga are; Hiro, a "male parasite" who was initially viewed as a prodigy but failed his pilot capacity test, and Zero-Two, a formidable female human-klaxosaur hybrid pilot who has lost all her previous co-pilots. Together, they successfully pilot her robot and defeat powerful klaxosaurs, and Hiro becomes Zero-Two’s darling.
Darling in Franxx collectables have a special place in the fans’ hearts. With Zero-Two’s distinctive red horns and pink hair that have become uber-popular in the anime universe, her cosplay costumes always leave an impact by portraying the feminine silhouette with tangible and powerful stature.
The popular Darling in the Franxx collectables include, Zero-Two figurines in her signature beckoning pose towards her darling, the pink wig with signature red horns and white headband, and other Zero-Two-related clothing and decor items. Another Darling in Franxx collectable that has become widely popular is the body pillow featuring the image of Two-Zero on both sides.
The Zero-Two figurine collectables are available from the POP UP parade line, which ensures high-quality PVC statues at affordable prices.