The American science fiction and action movie Jurassic Park is a masterpiece by filmmaker extraordinaire Steven Spielberg. Based on the 1990 novel by Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park movie made under the banner of Universal Pictures, became the highest-grossing film of its time. Currently holding the rank of the eighth highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, Jurassic Park is a franchise that keeps pulling in viewers with its dynamic storylines, compelling characters, and unparalleled use of animatronics with CGI to deliver an extraordinary cinematic experience.
Jurassic Park, at its heart, is a cautionary tale of genetic engineering veering so off course that it resulted in the regeneration of dinosaur species once swept off the face of the earth. This intrusion in the natural progression of the world order had repercussions that resulted in humans coming face-to-face with forces of nature they were never meant to encounter. The dinosaurs that were created to only be confined to an isolated island under strict security measures not only managed to run amok all across the said island, but also managed to spread their reign to the rest of the human world.
The collectables from the Jurassic Park series are widely popular among the original franchise fans and also loved by the younger fanbase, who were introduced to the Jurassic World part of the franchise after a gap of roughly 15 years. These collectables range from the OG Jurassic Park logos as wall art or metal plaques to figurines of the new dinosaur species introduced in the Jurassic World movies.
The Funko POP collectable range from the Jurassic Park franchise is very popular among fans. The ferociously snarling rendering of the villainous Giganotosaurus is an adorable and affordable piece from the POP range. The POP figures of the dynamic duo of velociraptors, Blue and Beta, are also very popular collectables.