The renowned Japanese light novel series Sword Art Online was written by Reki Kawahara, the famed author of works like Accel World and The Isolator. Sword Art Online was first published as a web novel and later expanded into a light novel and manga series as its popularity skyrocketed. The series has also been turned into a television animation series that has aired not just in Japan but also in Southeast Asia, England, North America, and Australia.
Sword Art Online recounts the unique story of multiple virtual reality worlds. The main characters, Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya and AsunaYuuki, together with thousands of other players, navigate the deadly VR game world of Sword Art Online (SAO), from which they are unable to log out. Along the way, they forge priceless bonds with other players, overcome the challenges of the game, navigate cunning traps set up in both VR and the real world, and ultimately escape from the grasp of the evil Virtual Reality game that aims to advance technology to the point where it can successfully exert mind control over people.
The intricate storytelling topics and themes tackled in Sword Art Online make it a cult favorite. Likewise, the collectables of the Sword Art Online series are just as popular among the series fans. These collectables include popular character figures and statues in dynamic poses and signature weapons like swords and daggers featured in the anime.
The most sought-after Sword Art Online collectable figures include those of main leads Kirito and Asuna, as well as other impressive characters that hugely impact the story, like the Earth Goddess Terraria Leafa and the Sun Goddess Solus Sinon. All these figures are posed in their iconic poses and costumes featured in the anime.
The collectable weapons from the Sword Art Online series are made of steel metal with dulled edges or cosplay foam. Regardless of the material of the blades, each sword features all the details present in its original counterpart, making them an ideal companion for any Sword Art Online fan.