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Supernatural, an American live-action horror-fantasy drama, is the longest-running American TV series in its genre. Created by Eric Kripke, Supernatural has a devoted fan base that turned in to watch the Winchester brothers fight against the evil supernatural forces week after week for fifteen seasons!

Supernatural is a TV show that follows the journey of two brothers, Dean and Sam Winchester. They are skilled hunters who specialise in dealing with supernatural and evil beings. In their quest to eliminate evil, they travel from one town to another, following in the footsteps of their father, who trained them to be hunters of all things paranormal. Riding a classic ‘67 Impala, donning beat-up leather jackets, and wielding an impressive array of counter-supernatural weapons, Sam and Dean, along with their demon-hunter allies, work tirelessly to keep the paranormal forces in check.

Ever since the show concluded its long run in 2020, the demand for Supernatural collectables has hit the roof. These collectables are the best way to pay homage to the memorable characters that have lived on our TV screens for over fifteen years. Otakuninjahero is proud to bring an impressive Supernatural collectables collection that includes items ranging from demon-killing blades to Dean Wenchinster's POP figure. Fans can now get their hands on The Colt collectable with the original thirteen bullets that can kill any supernatural being.

Otakuninjahero brings a breathtaking Supernatural collectables collection for fans waiting to get their hands on high-quality iconic weapons used for demon hunting. Supernatural features some of the most iconic blades in any modern American TV show. The collectables of Angle Blade, She-demon Ruby’s Knife, the Impala Knife, and the First Blade are highly coveted by the series' fans. These collectables feature all the intricate details present in the originals and are forged with dull edges for safe handling and display. Each blade has a rich history and unique power against paranormal entities like demons, hellhounds, or ghosts; their collectables also hold the same aura and presence as the original


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