Gintama holds the distinction of being one of the top-selling manga series in the competitive Japanese market. The science fiction comedy first appeared in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 2003. The popularity of the manga series led to the release of three animated films, a whole animated TV series that aired for more than a decade, and a Japanese live-action movie by Warner Bros. The light-hearted nature of the storyline, along with its positive characters, made Gintama an instant hit among overseas audiences as well.
Gintama follows the adventures of Gintoki Sakata, an unorthodox rebel samurai offering his oddball freelance services in a country that has banned swords and the samurai way of life. As he fights against crime, he gathers a group of friends and comrades. Together, they embark on a mission to stop Utsuro, an immortal human-mutant seeking vengeance, from wiping out all humanity on Earth.
The kimono and sword carried by Gintoki are among the most noticeable collectibles that fans of the series simply cannot get enough of. Fans of the powerful samurai character love his unconventional attire, including the high-quality kimono worn asymmetrically. The kimono features a unique design and is worn with one arm in the sleeve and held in place by a black belt. This distinctive collectible will surely become a prized item for series fans.
The wooden training sword Gintoki used to train with his sensei, Yoshida Shouyou, is also one of the most popular collectibles from the series. The life-size collectible wooden sword features all the details of the original sword featured in the anime and is made of high-quality wood to withstand shocks and jolts, just like the real one. All collectible Gintama swords feature dulled edges and are the perfect final piece to add to any cosplay costume or themed decoration display.