The Japanese manga and anime series, Hellsing, tells the exciting story of a secret British Government organisation dedicated to battling and eradicating the supernatural forces of evil lurking on the streets of old England. The original Hellsing manga was written by Kouta Hirano in 1997. Later, it was serialised as a TV animation and aired on Fuji TV in Japan and Encore Action in America.
The Hellsing manga and TV series perfectly captured the essence of a somewhat annoying yet extremely capable vampire antihero that fans fell in love with. Totting impressive guns and fangs proudly; the unique and memorable characters of the Hellsing series are loved by fans who appreciate the action horror genre.
The Hellsing collectables are a hot commodity among both manga fans and anime TV series enthusiasts. These collectables range from character figurines to signature weapons used by the leads in the series.
Alucard, the enigmatic lead, wields impressive weapons in his fight against the undead and monsters roaming the night. Despite being an ancient vampire and one of the most powerful beings on the face of Earth, Alucard uses cool guns to increase his deadly attacks. The most sought-after collectables from the series include "Casull" a semi-automatic, also lovingly referred to as "Joshua", one of the first featured handguns owned by the imposing vampire, and "The Jackal," an impressive combat pistol, described as one of the most powerful weapons in the whole Hellsing Universe.
The collectable guns from Hellsing are works of art. These lifesize creations feature all the intricate details that make them a Hellsing-worthy weapon. All guns are made with high-quality resin and adorned with the exact engravings featured in the original manga version. These guns were made especially for Alucard; therefore, these collectables have a special association with the iconic vampire. Plus, consider reading the iconic "Jesus Christ is in Heaven Now" engraved on the imposing muzzle of the Jackall collectable handgun every time, as a bonus.