Harry Potter
The fictional world of Harry Potter, created by J.K. Rowling, brought up a new generation of readers. This generation shares a special bond with their beloved characters from novels. Together, they experienced the hardships of growing up and overcame challenges while fostering empathy for others. That is why, year after year, throughout the release of each novel and then for every live-action movie, audiences have turned up in droves to witness the adventures of the teenage wizards and their fight against the most powerful evil warlock of all time.
The Harry Potter series includes seven books, each spanning a year of the main protagonist's life at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Every book features Harry and his friends' experiences in school studying magic while dealing with the looming threat of the return of the evil magician Voldemort, who killed Harry’s parents. The last book in the main story series was published in 2007, which held the account of the final showdown between Voldemort and Harry himself.
The collectables from the Harry Potter series are as expansive as the world of Harry Potter itself. These range from magical wands to robes and jackets worn by the magic school students to impressive swords and daggers that play pivotal roles in the story.
The most popular collectables weapons from the series include the engraved sword of Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founding members of the school known throughout magic history for his bravery, and the dagger wielded by the devout Voldemort follower, Bellatrix Lestrange, to torture Hermione Granger and kill Dobby the house elf.
The collectable magic wands from the Harry Potter series are also popular among fans who identify with their favourite characters through these magical instruments. Each wizard wand is a highly personal item for its bearer and will not work effectively for anyone else; therefore, the wands of powerful wizards like Dumbledore, Severus Snape, and Sirius Black are true odes to the characters themselves.